Pen and paper simplistically always suffice, when quarantined in the serene niceties that encompass places like the beach or the park. One day, in a diva move (if I do say so myself) someone asked me why I refused to write with a bic. I’d pose this question to anybody that’s serious about his or her craft. Would you wear dress shoes to play basketball? Would you drive a minivan to a race? Bic’s ballpoint pens will do – but why do that when I’m trying to conjure the best material I can?
Your only as good as your tools – here are the ones I use when I do get down with the get down.
Papermate flair’s – The inks thicker than a bic, but smoother than a sharpie marker, but has the same feel as one. With its felt tip, it’s my main weapon of choice. The best part of it is that if you have the right paper, it won’t bleed on the other side. This is a big issue for anyone that’s prolific.
Livescribe Pen – this is an anal retentive writer’s dream – it has the feel of an regular analog ball point pen, but when coupled with a livescribe notebook, you can create virtual notebooks, and pdf’s of your handwriting. Ah, the beauty of the 21st century.
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Livescribe Notebooks – just when you thought the sheer fact that you can document all your writings electronically was enough, you can also record what they call “pencasts” – which are recordings that sync to the stroke of your pen! I’m surprised that this combination hasn’t won the Pulitzer Prize for writing ridiculousness.
MOLESKINE Notebooks – In everyone of their notebooks, they boast the following fact: For two centuries now Moleskine has been a legendary notebook of artists, writers, intellectuals and travelers – Vincent van Gogh and Ernest Hemingway. But I don’t get into the theatrics of what it did to the departed – all I know is that the quality is unmatched, and NEVER bleeds. Enough said.
Instrumentals – Since writing is such an active action, TV’s, movies, and entertainments will affect your concentration. And in a sense music will too. I stay away from Hip-Hop because I find myself reciting the lyrics, thus taking my concentration away from the pen and pad. I like using instrumentals because they can evoke emotions with melodies, that explode on the paper.
Foreign Tongues – Bossa Nova, and other foreign sounds are the best especially when I need that voice to guide a beat. Although it’s listening to a song that’s in Portuguese or French, it helps that I have no idea what they are saying. It’s a soundtrack that isn’t too distracting
JAWBONE JAMBOX – We all know how well iPod’s work. But if you want to soak in the sounds of Mother Nature as well as your music, try using the Jawbone Jambox. Equipped with Bluetooth technology, the Jambox is perfect for syncing to your computer, your mobile device or tablet, to hear stereo quality sound instead of using the inferior speakers that your devices may have. Beware – Jamboxes are addicting and sexy!
What are your favorite writing tools?
Until Next Time
Ralph, Rambunctious Smocker
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