BEHOLD, my first poem written below:
"I" Love
Dear Love
I know you are going to miss me.
We were together like white Nikes and crisp tees.
Now we are apart like sweat suits in the summer heat.
Oh how could I've missed thee?
We were always together.
Side by side, holding hands, simply inseparable from beginning to end.
But unfortunately for the past month, I have mistreated you in the worst way.
Oh how I pray that things can change between us.
Weeks ago, you passed away.
You have no idea how much I prayed.
I tried and tried, but you couldn't be revived.
Two to three days later, my sister brought you back to life.
I am most thankful for her for that.
But weeks later which was yesterday, I mistreated you once again in the worst way.
We ran on the track together.
It turned out to be a good day until I left you by your lonesome and forgot to comeback to you.
How could I neglect you, the one and only thing that spoke sweet lyrics and sang to me?
I came back for you as soon as I realize, but it was too late.
Seems like someone else better has swept you off your feet.
Now we are apart.
I have a deep scar in my heart.
But despite the distance, I will forever love you from afar.
Even right now as I write in the color that represents my mood which is the color blue.
You may be under the impression that this poem is about a former girlfriend of mine that I have “mistreated in the worst way.” Seemingly so, you are partially correct yet that’s not the case. It is actually a poetic personification of my formerly misplaced IPod Nano. Go figure! This is what sparked the commencement of my poetic journey.
After rereading the poem that was written long ago, it took me back to the exact day, the first of September 2009. It was mild weathered aiming towards the last month of the summer. Fellow Smock member and friend, Ralph, invited me go run and train at the local elementary or middle school. We ran two laps or so for warm up prior to running two hard miles around the track. Initially, I was running with my “former love” gripped in my right palm during the warm up trial. Afterwards, I decided to place “her” on a secure spot on the synthetic turf laid underneath my t-shirt for lack of visibility from others. In turn, negligence was my worst enemy that evening as I picked up my shirt without picking up my “muse” (who does that?). An hour and half later, I came to the sudden realization that I forgot “her”, subconsciously knew that someone else “swept her off her feet” and I was single again!
Although I was completely heeded at the fact that “she” was stolen from me, optimistically, that frustration was transcribed into beautiful poetry. And since then, a compilation of poems birthed to be personally hand picked, my favorites and best, for my future poetic anthology coming soon.
Stay Tuned!
Jeff L.
Smock Salute!
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