
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gettin' Out Our Dreams

"Where ya been?". That's been the question I've heard most from most people I know lately. I've missed blog posts and meetings lately mainly due to one thing. Life. Moving is a hell of an adventure and adjusting too it takes up a lot of time. This begs the question of how to make time to do what you want to do and still do what you HAVE to do.
The main thing that one must do given the circumstances is to first decide what's most important to you. For my part, I had to make the decision that this group and this blog is something worthwhile enough to lose some sleep over. Staying up a little past my bedtime and thinking of a topic to discuss is worth it to me.
I write this particular addition for my fellow nine to fivers who also want to establish something outside of our usual means of obtaining our funds. It is completely possible to do this and have a regular job....for a while. Eventually, we must all make a choice about which one we want to do. Do we want to continue down the path of comfortability or do we want to chase our dreams? Each of us have to make that choice for ourselves. My fellow smockers and my closest friends inspire me to abandon my fear and chase mine. To be continued....


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