As a poet, I find inspiration in everything that I see or feel, whether from the emotions and moods of my day or the enlightenment that my current environment provides.
Thinking and searching through a couple of past type written poems, I came to the realization that a few of them have been based on the climatic effect of my atmosphere, some personified feelings and others, reflected natural realism.
Spring happens to be my favorite season for its moderate temperature and bloom of life. Like a flower, the weather revamps back to new life in the form of a vegetated growth period that happens to respond to changes when nature calls. It’s very interesting, to me at least.
Considering that we are in the season, I thought that I would share a poem that was written a long time ago dedicated to the beautiful climate that we have been experiencing as of late:
"Springtime Bloom"
A flower grows in the month of April.
The roots grow like fruit in the month of March.
Your sweetest scent marches on to gravitate my senses like cupid's arrow from above.
You bloom like a tree.
You expand in freedom amongst the rest.
I love the way you stand stern with sensitivity in your stem.
You branch out like love amongst friends.
Your nectar tastes like honey.
You let me "bee" because you love me.
That's why I am the humming bird to your springtime bloom.
Continuously, I nip at you because I can't stop saying I love you...
over and over again.
Jeff L.
Smock Salute!
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