Our 8th meeting has come and gone. Although were missing a smocker (Theirry smocks, where you at?!) we kept it moving on a beautiful 70 degree Sunday at Panera Bread.
This week’s theme concerns the subject matter invisible.
Jeff read a poem, where he describes himself as a small fry in a big-ass city, inspired by a recent outing in New York City.
Riva, ricocheted with poetry of her own, inspired when under the chair of a local salon. Jeff and I, at the end of the poem are scratching our heads on how can we write like Riva.
Here’s the short story I read about invisibility entitled, “The Birds & Bees.”
It came to me visibly, and vividly, from a trifling whore. Furthermore, it was her audacity, or rather mine that was in question; during our courtship no less. It wasn’t so much about the birds and the bees, but rather the birds and bees, and spiders omnipresent on her living room couch.
You see, before she came into my life, I stepped on anything in my sight – spiders, ants, flies, and the like. Even if they don’t go the extra mile, or extra inch of skin in my case, I was ready to stomp, splat, and swat to oblivion. But the whore changed it all. It was her version of the birds and the bees. PG-13, ironically enough.
And it started out – on her knees. A position we both knew all. too. well. She put her face directly under my Nikes, begging me to STOP.
It was her birds, it was her bees, and I was the tree trying to hurt them. When she’s not a whore, apparently she’s a dedicated animal rights activist, with her campaign slogan, “TREAT THE VISIBLE, INVISIBLE.”
“WHAT THE F*CK DID IT DO TO YOU?” she exclaimed. And after that, I put my foot down and said to myself, “True.”
And so here we are, me and her, and I representing a different kind of tree, with branches, extended in olives.
For a birthday, I got her a vacuum, but not the one that removes dust, dirt, and lint.
It’s the type that takes undomestics and imports them to undomestication. She was pleased with my thoughtfulness, and progress.
Then, she went back on her knees.
Next week’s theme is “Offline”
Until tomorrow.
Ralph, numero uno smocker
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